Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WCHS PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, well, well. Prom is FINALLY this weekend. After months and months of emails, questions, and phone calls.............pre-booking is over, and it's time for a good photog-session to be held THIS SATURDAY from 3:00 until sunset!!!!!!!!!! The LATER the better!!! Wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! :-)! Let's do it!

Well, everybody knows that I'm ONLY an on-location photographer which means that I only shoot outdoors except in SPECIAL SPECIAL circumstances when I work my indoor magic (thus my brain wheels must turn harder, and if anybody reading this have ever had a pregnant brain, you know the wheels are a little squeaky when turning).....so we are crossing our fingers with this rain situation and taking a chance!!!! There is NO SECOND INDOOR LOCATION! Believe it. Am I crazy? Ok, so don't answer that, OK? I just don't shoot indoors, OK? Everybody has their "ticks" as my Mama says. Ok, so I have lots of "ticks". I keep telling on myself.

I have booked so many couples for my shoot, which will be located near Poppell's and Nang's and I hope it all works out! If not, there are DEFINETLY some GREAT photographers in town that I would recommend, such as Angie Copeland who will be set up at Bennett's Jewelry and Silvy Tompkins who will be set up at her studio on South Brunswick street, and Armstrongs.......not sure where she will be, but probably at her studio! So if it rains, and you've already pre-booked with me, go hit one of these photographers up and tell them I sent you! Let's share the love. I'm giving out full refunds if it rains, by the way. Hey...God brought clouds when I did my tennis shoot, he stops the rain when I've needed it to stop for Judit and the Lanier shoot this past weekend....................let's hope he does it Saturday!! Everybody use the prayer, and pray for my sanity! :-)!!!! I have a love for crazy.

Anyway, ya'll come on down......something fun, I've ordered Jenny Thomas Photography Tshirts (limited supply) so you'll be able to purchase one of those bad boys.....did you know that I used to design tshirts????????????????????? Ok, well hopefully this will all go well, I hope you have a good week and hopefully I'll see the prom-goers on Saturday! :-)!!!



  1. Um..I want a t-shirt! I will even put on a prom dress for one! I checked the weather and it is supposed to be pretty so I'll keep up the prayers for you, have fun!

  2. I CANT WAIT!!!!! Im SO EXCITED... Just like Jesse Spano was on Saved by the Bell... "I'm SO EXCITED & I just can't hide it..."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You guys did a great job - all I heard were compliments. Can't wait to see the final product.

