Monday, July 20, 2009

Emree is tooooo cute!

Well, the new streak of sneak peaks is about to begin and this time it's little Miss Emree! :-)! SHE IS PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, I needed every exclamation mark that I just typed). She was that precious! She reminded me so much of my little Miss Neely.....and seeing as they are only three days apart in age.....I loved photographing her, as I was right at home!

THIS IS THE INFAMOUS PHOTO SHOOT that was cancelled about 35 times, a couple on her mom's behalf, a couple on the rain's behalf, and then a couple on my behalf....we just didn't EVER think we were going to ever get this done! When I pulled up I gave her mother Shauna a hug because we have talked and texted so much I just felt like I knew her!! :-)!

She originally booked back in the day when I wasn't preggo, and then I found out I was preggo...and was SICK and y'all know how those days were...and then the rain, and then a couple of weeks ago when we were scheduled to shoot I went and stepped on a nail and couldn't walk. BUT...I must say that when we finally did happen to have our paths cross on Monday evening, it was PERFECT! :-)! The breeze, the glad it finally happened! :-)! And Emree was so precious.

Half of the photo shoot was spent looking for a stray cat that we got a glimpse of, that we named "fuzzy". She probably hollered for "fuzzy" 23,343 times.....but if it weren't for the CHANCE of seeing ole Fuzzy... we wouldn't have half of those glorious shots! :-)! FUZZY, I owe you one buddy! ;-)!

Alright, well I hope ya'll love them, soon to come from last week two more sneak peaks...the Harper's and a Senior Miss Hannah Jones!

Until next time!


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