Thursday, July 23, 2009

Landon is One!

Hi Everybody!

Well I told you that my schedule was about to start getting crazy here! And what a better way to get crazy.........then getting crazy with the Harper's! They are friends of mine who I just adore, and there youngest son, LANDON, has just turned ONE!!! Isn't he PRECIOUS!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??! Well, both of their darling children are precious. I just love Randy and his fake-smiling self!!! We go way back to when he was in the 2 and 3 year old Sunday School class that Adam and I taught..........and I'll never forget when he told me that he wanted to sing a song in class, and he wanted me to count to ten.......and he blasted out "Honkey Tonk Badonka-Donk" of my FAVORITE moments of all time! :-)!

Ole Landon did GREAT in our first location........and then he started getting a little sleepy....and you mothers know how that is.......but we made it through and got some family pics, and we just tried our best!!

We also got the opportunity to shoot at Tonya and David's LOVELY farm again, which I greatly, greatly, greatly appreciate and wanted to give those fun folks a shout out!!!! Tell Ivey, Jameson, Cole, Rainbow, and Reagan I said Hello!!!!!! :-)!

Well, the Harper's and Landon did great, so I hope you enjoy their sneak peak! It won't be up for long, I have MANY MANY sneak peaks already waiting in line to post! :-)!

Had fun y'all!


1 comment:

  1. i missed the sneak peak.. oh well.. hope to see it in the gallery.
