Friday, April 17, 2009

Erica Rocks the Camera & I have some news!!!

Well, well, well...............................Spring break has been so good to me, and I hope it's been good for Erica too, because it's her LAST ONE during her high school career!!!!!!! That's right! Erica is graduating in a short twenty something days, and then off she goes to school to pursue her dream of being a dental hygienist!! GO ERICA GO!

She looks like a dental hygienist too, doesn't she? I knew she was about to say it. She has the classic beautiful skin, beautiful teeth, sweet demeanor, and I know the eyes have nothing whatsoever to do with being a dental hygienist..........but her eyes are GORGEOUS too!!!!!!!!! (couldn't leave those out!) I think she'll be a great one! No Nancy, I'll keep coming to you.........I can't desert you after 26 years of being my personal FAV hygienist. Gosh I get off of topic! Sorry Mrs. Eckle!

Since Erica looks like a hygienist, Do I look like a photographer????????? Um, probably not. My wild fru fru's that pop out scream.........MAMA!!!!!!!!!! (being a Mom is my favorite and most important job, and if you haven't heard my news stalkeratzi you.............I guess I'll go ahead and announce it here, I'm going to be a MAMA again! :-)!!! My flu turned out to be a little bit more than the flu. I think that's why I was having a horrible time with it!! So I guess it's official. Now my readers can understand why I've tried to SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW down a little bit and haven't been as fast as my usual self. Pregnancy and Jenny Thomas do not go hand in hand as I am the morning/day/night sickness queen. Little Baby "T" (as we are referring to our nameless baby) will be here around the first of December. My hubby and I are so excited, as is our little Neely! Who will do your Christmas cards this year?? Man, I'll sure be fat in my Christmas card. OH WELL!

Back to Erica..................who was just so sweet, and even gave my belly the first official "pat".........:-), she did so so so so so so good...........and her boyfriend Patrick.........I would like to give him a shout out, and say THANKS for moving the random junk in our way!! Patrick was a SWEET HEART......................they were both sweethearts, I'm glad they found each other and I'm so glad that I got to meet them both!!! :-)! I have made so many new friends since starting my photog bus. LOVE IT!

OK, I'll leave on that one....Had fun!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jenny..
    so happy for you.. yeah slow down some..
    photos are looking awesome as usual..
