Thursday, April 9, 2009

Michael Surfin' his way out of WCHS

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back.......still feeling a little under the weather, but making a nice recovery....thank you for all of the emails!!! Yesterday I had a chance to photograph Mr. Michael Burch and his lovely sister Julianne Burch at their home.........and we had a wild time, AS ALWAYS!!! You can check out their sneak peak under my sneak peak section.........but not for long, so check it out while you can, as I have SEVERAL shoots over the weekend and next week!!

Michael is an avid surfer and a senior this year at WCHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a very humorous fellow who loves riding four wheelers and wearing his Georgia boots all around the country club. He was up for anything! I would like to thank his lovely mother Julia for the assistance and ideas relating to any props used, and I would also like to thank his father, Mr. Mike Burch for letting us interrupt his jog to tie a tie!!.........and lastly, thank you to my LOVELY assistant Mr. Jake Phillips who carried my supplies and changed my lenses like a pro himself. Jake, can you be any more awesomer??? By the way, when Jake leaves me after graduation this year, he and Michael will be rooming together. PARTY ON BOYS!!! :-)! I believe Jordan Given will be in on that too.........yes, I know, I need to add Jordan's senior pics to the senior gallery!! TIME! I NEED MORE TIME! :-)!

On a more serious note: From today until after June 10th, I will not be accepting anymore weekday photo shoots, only weekend shoots will be available. Due to high-demand, and my inability to say NO most of the time.......I will be allowing a certain number of bookings to cut down on stress........I like QUALITY, not QUANTITY you see....I don't want to turn into one of "THOSE" I'm going to slow it down a bit and remain in love with my work! Hey, what can you expect? I'm just a one woman help, except for Jake carrying my stuff which I dang sure appeciate!!!

Alright, it was a good one........I will be posting Miss Elizabeth Morris' shots ASAP.......I would say some of hers are my all time fav' get ready!! She is a beautiful girl.....and SENIOR!! :-)!

Until next time (should be tomorrow!!)


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