Monday, April 27, 2009

Two Brewtons, One Shoot!

Well, I must say that the Brewton's have two good lookin' children!!!!!!!!! Both are just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tyler is a senior this year, and I was summoned by his mother to do his senior pictures, and she wanted to add a little Jaicee in there too.....seeing that she is a BEAUTIFUL beauty queen!!!! Jaicee needed some head shots for an upcoming pageant, so we killed two birds with one stone!!!! We actually took all kinds of wild ones, but I kept the sneak peak kind of normal so Jaicee could decide what she liked and didn't like without the whole world looking at the crazy ones!!

Out in the deep fields of Screven Georgia..........we had a fun time as I enjoyed talking with all the Brewtons....and I even met NANA! ;-)!!! They are all so nice. I just love Screven people......and I am partial to a few ya know!!!!!!! My Screven sister Heather and I go way back.........way way way way back to early Screven days.............four wheelers on nine run road......had to add that in there HEATHER! Ticket in the Mail! :-)! It's my blog, sometimes I get off of topic, but Heather reads every word. Heck, she might be the only one reading this for all I know!!! Nobody has been responding to my blogs recently!!! Should I just be writing to just you Heather?!? Tell Dennis I'll write to him to if he gets upset, I know he's a fan.

Back to the Brewton's........they have a lovely farm, and I was amazed at all of the large and in charge farming equipment.......and Tyler was partial to the John Deer he's a real farmer, it's believable......he said something funny like, "tobacco farming is the heart of the south"....something like that, it made me laugh!!...........and poor Jaicee was ancy to get off to a dance, hope I didn't keep you too long!!! But lastly, I would like to mention their Mama, Mrs. Angie Brewton.....................she is SO NICE, have you ever met somebody and you just felt like you've known them your whole life? That's how Angie Brewton is.....explains why her kids turned out so great!! :-)! Ok, well I guess this is enough.........I had so much fun, hope everybody loves the sneak peak, and I hope to do more Screven shoots!!!!!



  1. Jenny,

    You are welcome on the farm anytime!!! We had sooo much fun with you.
    The pictures are incredible---You make it very hard to choose!
    We are excited about the new baby and you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!
    Tyler was glad to have included the old truck even though he was in a rush and Jaicee said it was definitely worth the wait (a late arrival to a dance is always good isn't it???)
    You ROCK!!
    We love you!
    The Brewtons

  2. Jenny,
    You know your Aunt Sandy always reads your blog, and anything else you do...I love the pics of Tyler and Jaicee and yes they are a wonderful bunch of people!!!!!Did you meet grandaddy?? Well he's something else too!! And me and Angie have been friends forever....Remeber T.J.'s Resturant. well thats Tyler and Jaicee, didn't know they were famous did you???I just can't believe that Tyler is a Senior and Jaicee will be there soon, its amazing!!!,and that sweet Tyler gets better looking everyday too...ya see he is suppose to be about 10 yrs old but... he is one handsome young man and Jaiacee well she has always been my little sweet heart and beautiful!!!! And guess what Jenae, I typed all this with the pink eye in both eyes!!!Again the Pics are awesome I love them, call me if you need me, I hope you feel better than you did Tuesday!!! Love you.. Aunnt Sandy

  3. WELL! Im a little late adding my "2 cents"... but you knew I would! Love the shoot in my good ole town of SCREVEN! Especially since it was close to the site of my famous "ticket in the mail" incident! I can't believve Tyler & Jaicee are so grown up! I can remember Tyler when he was just a youngin singin "I love it when you call me big Poppa!" It was a hoot! (yep I said it was a "hoot"!) BELIEVE IT! Dennis is jealous by the way! Post a new blog already! the new sneak peek is up!

  4. Awwww.... I hate missing this one! From the looks of the pic on the home page, they were awesome! By the way, where did the senior gallery go? I miss it! :-)

  5. So....I'm a little behind on the blogs but I'm all caught up now and my "two cents" to add to Heather's, which make four cents, and yes we are from Screven so we can do that, is....Screven is the Best and does grow some very gorgeous people around here! Loved the pics and LOVED the graduation invites! Congrats Tyler! And great job on the photos Jenny T!!! BTW I need a Tshirt ASAP!!! :)
