Sunday, August 16, 2009

Whitney Whitney Whitney

Hi Everyone!

This time it's Miss Whitney, SENIOR 2010................................and I must say, YES, you've seen her face before...she was my prom model, but she also doubles as my lovely sister-n-law! We had a WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLD time doing her senior shots, and she did so good, it's going to be hard for her to narrow it down!!!

I actually did the photography last Monday, and gee-golly it was a hot one, but thanks to my lovely assistant and other sister-n-law Miss Kristin Grantham the photography went well as my belly swells!!!! There were SEVERAL very interesting things that happened during Whitney's shoot, but to highlight the main happening.........I received my first ever OFFICIAL POLICE ESCORT SERVICE by a real police officer to insure our safety in one location, and just to let you know WE WERE SAFE!!

For those of you who read my blog and who have been on shoots with know that I am all about safety! So whether it's ladder safety, street safety when standing in streets, or fire safety....nevermind that one doesn't really apply...I'm just all about safety. After all, I'm carrying the next little Thomas baby, we must be careful!!

Whitney wanted something different, and I did too, so we took off out of this little town and shot elsewhere..........where new walls, new scenery was waiting on little/growing bigger/getting larger size me! I just loved it!!!!

I would like to ESPECIALLY thank Kristen for her help and support during the shoot...she really helped to bring the real Whitney out, and we laughed and had a good time.....aside from some of the crazy sights we saw (thus reinforcing our need for police!!)!!

Anyway, Whitney did amazing and I can't wait for her to see all of them!! We are ordering prints this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until next sneak peak is Will Coley, so get your teeth set!!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pictures! She is a natural beauty anyways! I like that black and white top Whitney... where can I find me one?! haha I aint believing you had a police escort either... I thought Kristen was pretty good if you ask me!!! Will's pictures are pretty good too btw...
